Diplomatic Mission
of the Principality of Sealand
Registered Recorded Delivery Slip
Chairman of the Board
Deutsche Telekom AG
Generaldirektion Bonn
Mr. Ron Sommer
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140
53113 Bonn
May 1, 2000
Our Lease Property at Kleinmachnow, Seeberg
Dear Mr. Sommer
since you saw fit to ignore our previous letters, you prompt us to point out the following.
In your position you should be well aware that the victorious powers, represented by the SHAEF Legislator USA, have at the end of World War Two impounded the German Reich and its assets. These assets serve as security for the reparation claims from World War Two. That these claims have not yet been satisfied have been made clear by statements made by Graf Lambsdorff as negotiator for the Federal Government concerning the compensation of forced labour.
Part of the assets serving as security is the Reichspost. (The German Reichsbahn (railway) is still mortgaged due to reparation claims from World War One.)
As the Federal Constitutional Court has confirmed, the Federal Republic was never and is not legal successor of the German Reich. For this reason the FRG was at no time, in the legal understanding of the SHAEF Legislator USA, authorised to appropriate Reich property and to privatise it, as it did the Reichspost.
Therefore we suggest that you solve the question of our lease and our other claims quietly.
We imagine it is neither in your interest nor in that of the development of your stocks if in order to support our claims we inform the public (for instance on the Internet) about the state of affairs above.
We await your contacting within eight days.
With our respects
Diplomatic Mission of the Principality of Sealand
Minister for Special Affairs
Head of the Diplomatic Mission
Letter from the Plenipotentiary of December 1, 1999