between the German Reich and the Principality of Sealand
the German Reich,
- represented by the General Ministry,
in turn represented by the director of the Office of the General Ministry
- represented by the Reichspost Ministry (Reichspostministerium),
in turn represented by the permanent secretary Detlef Christian Szuwart,
- represented by the Reichsministry of Transport,
in turn represented by the Reichsminister of Ecology, Energy and Transport Wolfgang Gerhard Günter Ebel
as lessor
the Principality of Sealand
- represented by the Prime Minister and Chairman of the Privy Council Johannes Wilhelm Franz Seiger and the state minister Hans-Jürgen Johannes Walter Sauerbrey
as lessee
the following lease is concluded:
§1 Object
The lessor grants the lessee the use of the following Reichspost estate:
Kleinmachnow land register, district Kleinmachnow, sheet 145, running plot numbers 1 to 6, field 8 lots 1481, 1483 and 1484, field 12 lot 992, field 13 lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, as registered on May 8, 1945 in connection with the SHAEF law number 76.
§2 Rent
A single payment as lease duty of one million German mark (or the currency valid at the time of the proclamation of Greater Berlin) is payable within two years of the signing of the contract.
The yearly rent is fifty thousand German mark (or the currency valid at the time of the proclamation of Greater Berlin), for the year 1999 a reduced rate is due. This first instalment is due upon signing and is of eight thousand five hundred German mark (or the currency valid at the time of the proclamation of Greater Berlin). Thereafter all further instalments are due on the third of January of each year at the latest.
§3 Duration of Lease, Lease Year
The lease starts on the day of signing and automatically ends on December 31, 2099, unless the contracting parties previously agree something different. The lease year with the exception of the year of signing corresponds to the calendar year.
Should the peaceful, democratic and liberal state Principality of Sealand ceases to exist or the Sealand constitution looses its democratic character, due to rebels or terrorists for instance, this contract automatically ends on the day the German Reich becomes aware of these negative changes.
§4 Condition of the Object
The leased estate is built up and wooded. The wooded areas may not be developed.
§5 Guarantees by the Lessor
The state of the object is know to both parties. All claims of the lessor due to shortcomings of any kind are excluded.
The German ministry of the postmaster general sees to it that the German ministry of transport will maintain unhindered access for citizens of the Principality of Sealand via land, air and water. To this end direct negotiations with the lessee, the German ministry of the postmaster general and the SHAEF legislator will have to be held.
§6 Management
The lessee manages the estate as the State Territory of the Principality of Sealand. Embassies, consulates, trade missions, banks, cultural institutions, research institutes or similar may all be established there. The necessary buildings may be erected.
No hostile activities against the German people may emerge from this estate. This would also contravene the Friendship and Consular Treaty that was signed.
The lessee has continually to maintain the fittings and installations of the estate and to execute all necessary maintenance work and traffic safety duties at his own expense.
§7 Public Duties, Charges
No public duties or charges will be payable (except the rent).
§8 Subletting to Third Parties
Subletting is permitted only upon written agreement by the lessor.
§9 Ending the Lease
The lease automatically ends on December 31, 2099. All buildings and other objects then upon the estate will become the property of the German Reich on January 1, 2100 without any remuneration, unless the parties made different agreements.
§10 Special Right of Residence
The state officials arranging and negotiating this contract, Mr. Christian Samter as well as his family and descendants, and the Plenipotentiary for the German Reich, Mr. Wolfgang Gerhard Günter Ebel as well as his family and descendants, may at any time, even when they no longer are state officials, stay on the estate and set up residence there.
§11 Miscellaneous Section
This contract must be sanctioned by the SHAEF legislator in the United States of America, the BK/O (51) 56 of October 8, 1951 and the BK/O (51) 63 of November 13, 1951 (both published in the gazette of the postal district Berlin) are still in force and form the legal base. Upon sanctioning the lessor will inform the lessee.
This contract is conditional to the Peace Treaty still to be signed between the German Reich and all the victorious powers of World War Two.
Changes and amendments to this lease require the written form to become valid. There will be no oral sub-agreements.
Disagreements are to be solved jointly, international and interstate laws apply.
Executed at Greater Berlin on October 15, 1999.
German Reich
General Ministry
Christian Samter
German Reich
Reichspost Ministry
Detlef Ch. Szuwart
German Reich
Reichsministry of Transport
Wolfgang G. G. Ebel
Principality of Sealand
Privy Councillor
Johannes W. F. Seiger
Principality of Sealand
State Minister
Hans-Jürgen J. W. Sauerbrey