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Our State Territory on the Seeberg in Kleinmachnow
[Lawsuit with Deutsche Telekom AG]
Archived content from interner Link Hakeburg

Invoices to DTAG Deutsche Telekom AG

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of July 11, 2005
pdf German original
interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of June 10, 2005
pdf German original
interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of May 10, 2005
pdf German original
interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of April 11, 2005
pdf German original
interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of March 10, 2005
pdf German original
interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of February 10, 2005
pdf German original
interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of January 10, 2005
pdf German original
interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of December 10, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of November 10, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of Oktober 11, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of September 10, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of August 10, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of July 12, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of April 12, 2002
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of May 03, 2002
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of June 10, 2002
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of July 09, 2002
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of August 22, 2002
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of September 09, 2002
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of October 02, 2002
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of November 6, 2002
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of December 16, 2002
with attachment: Governmental Resolution 080203
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of January 6, 2003
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of February 6, 2003
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of March 24, 2003
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche T elekom of April 4, 2003
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of May 5, 2003
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of June 25, 2003
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of August 18, 2003
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of September 8, 2003
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of October 10, 2003
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of November 10, 2003
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of December 12, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of January 9, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of February 9, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of March 10, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of April 9, 2004
pdf German original

interner Link Invoice to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of May 10, 2004
pdf German original

Total of our claims as of May 10, 2004: 824.255.102,50 Euro

Legal fundamentals

interner Link Documentation of the Tenure of our State Territory Hakeburg at Kleinmachnow near Berlin regarding Sealand / Deutsche Telekom AG


This documentation as pdf without the facsimiles of the original documents [340 KB]

This documentation as pdf with the facsimiles of the original documents [3,5 MB]

interner Link

This documentation as html without the facsimiles of the original documents

Take the Tour (16 pages with links to the facsimiles of the original documents)


SHAEF Law No. 52 - Blocking of German Porperty


SHAEF: Documents concerning the diplomatic relations to the Commissary Government of the German Reich [1,8 MB]


Lease Agreement Hakeburg [October 15th, 1999]
interner Link Transcription of Lease Agreement between the German Reich/Reichspost Ministry and the Principality of Sealand


Deadline for Telekom [September 1st,1999]
interner Link Transcription of Deadline set to Deutsche Telekom by the Plenipotentiary for the German Reich


Confirmation of the lease by the SHAEF Legislator USA [January 5th, 2000]
interner Link Transcription of the Confirmation of the Lease by the Plenipotentiary for the German Reich


1. Letter to Deutsche Telekom on the legal position [January 11th, 2000]
interner Link Transcription of the letter to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of January 11, 2000


2. Letter concerning amendment claims [February 2nd, 2000]
interner Link Transcription of a letter to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom of February 15, 2000


3. Yielding of claims to the Sealand Trade Corp. [April 20th, 2000]
interner Link Transcription of the letter to the CEO of Deutsche Telekomof April 20, 2000


4. Letter to DTAG, renewing the statement on legal position and warnings [May 1th, 2000]
interner Link Transcription of a letter to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom


Preliminary proceedings vs. Ron Sommer [August 8th, 2000]
interner Link Transcription of the notification of preliminary proceedings against Deutsche Telekom

other SHAEF  documents
see also Downloads
interner Link more documents in German


Bundesgesetzblatt II 1990 S. 1274-1276 - in German [281 KB]


SHAEF Proclamation No. 1 of the USA [600 KB]


SHAEF Law No. 52 - Blocking of German Porperty [1,2 MB]

interner Link

UN-Charter Art. 53 & 107


List of enemy states , in German

other SHAEF  documents
see also Downloads
interner Link more documents in German


Bundesgesetzblatt II 1990 S. 1274-1276 - in German [281 KB]


SHAEF Proclamation No. 1 of the USA [600 KB]


SHAEF Law No. 52 - Blocking of German Porperty [1,2 MB]

interner Link

UN-Charter Art. 53 & 107


List of enemy states , in German

Last update: Thursday, September 09, 2004


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