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The following pages have been renewed in the years 2009/16

Sealand Documents:
International agreements and legal acts with the Government of the Principality of Sealand
(among others with Russia, Latvia ...) documenting de facto and de jure recognition

Sealand Web Statistics

Here the actual status | interner Link History

interner Link Contact

Press Release December 27, 2016

Greetings for 2016-2017

We have unambiguously conveyed our decisions concerning the consequences of releasing
parts of the Vril Technology to the Central Council of Jews in Germany (see the
acknowledgement of receipt dated 28th April 2016 in German here). You are at liberty to
inform yourselves of the content of our letter by contacting the Central Council of Jews in
Germany directly.
Our endeavours to convert the Vril force into usable electric power using the Sealand
Generator (Vril Technology) has resulted in the fact that in the development stage SSV/SS
with slight alterations batteries may be run continuously at 70-80% (at this time).
Our criminal charges at the Office of the Public Prosecutor in Potsdam against Dr Woidke, Prime
Minister of Brandenburg, due to perversion of justice (file number 496 Js 10184/16) have
so far not shown any tangible results. lt appears that it is at this time it is not possible to
lead a clarifying discussion in this matter with any of the responsible persons in the Federal
Government or in Brandenburg.
To forgo any misunderstandings: lf necessary we will consider the complete release of the
Vril Technology (Sealand Generator) to reinstate German sovereignty.
We wish all people ready to support our striving for a better world a healthy and successful
New Year

This document as pdf

The Measure of All Things is the Cosmos
(Vril T echnology)

On the October 14. 2016 we had removed from
two LED flashlights the original batteries and
replaced each with a slightly modified Sealand
Generator. Since then both lamps have been
shining continuously for over 1000 hours!

interner Link Have a look!

Press Release October 19, 2016

The Existence of the Thule and Vril Societies   

It behoves every mature and responsible citizen who has not yet succumbed to the daily brainwashing dished out by the media to check out the video below in order to form his or her personal opinion.

For more than 20 years the Government of the Principality of Sealand, represented by Johannes W. F. Seiger as member of the Government Commission Vrilia, has been encumbered, interfered with and restrained by the institutions of the German Federal Republic, above all by the land Brandenburg and its judiciary, using defamation as well as illicit verdicts and their execution. We see the cause for this in the fact that the Principality of Sealand had dared to mention the development and existence of the German flying disks (UFOs).

After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the political turnaround (the alleged “reunification”) the Principality of Sealand was handed the task to secure and continue the scientific research of the Thule and Vril societies. This work proved successful and led to the Sealand Generator whose efficacy is based on the Vril technology. Thus the basis for the use of cosmic energy for the good of all humanity is established (see the link below). The energies may also be used to strengthen the immune system of all living being including humans.

interner Link Image

A video by Sven Peters and Michael Vogt very aptly treats these subjects by showing hitherto unknown documents. It is especially interesting to note that the US American Admiral Bird had also been a member of the Thule society.

Our Comment to Brexit and to Ms Angela Merkel

The United Kingdom has recognised late, but not too late, that the majority of its population no longer wants to be subject to this dictatorship. With the Brexit decision the UK has given the kick-start for a renewed orientation in Europe. Only now other countries, too, began to realise that now there is a chance for a Europe of fatherlands. This Europe – including Russia, but WITHOUT the USA, the faith community dominating it and Israel – would be able to guarantee its citizenry a humane existence.

First we would like to express again – as we did in our letter of the 12th September 2015 – thank Ms Merkel for her in fact unlawful, but audacious decision, to allow around one million asylum seekers/fugitives into our country. This decision was in line with our long-term shared endeavours to foster the long overdue peace treaty bringing the Second World War to an end, what unfortunately had not been achieved until today ( Greetings 2015/2016).

Europe had and still has no future without the reestablishment of the sovereignty of the German Reich. The EU and its unelected organs have shown again that they cannot decide freely, but are subject to the USA and the faith community dominating it. Whoever attempts to resist will suffer scrupulously the power histrionics of the EU (see Greece etc.).

Independent of the decisions that now will be have to be made the government commission Vrilia will make the Vril technology – as already announced – available in part to every country of the world that shows interest.

For more than 20 years we had to suffer the despotism of the EU, the federal justice system, the Department of Foreign Affairs (Auswärtiges Amt) of the FRG and the Brandenburg judiciary. To illustrate this we publish here two recent and contrasting emails ( corresponding to the motto of the faith community: Discriminate – Defame – Eliminate) ( field report).


Johannes W. F. Seiger                                         Urs Thoenen

Member of the Government Commission Vrilia     Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information

Press release March 11, 2016

Short story of the Sealand Generator
Pictures and comments (in German)

Model 2015/2016

Download the short story as pdf
Contract for a One-Year Test of a Sealand Generator (Vril Technology)
Since June 2016 we also offer the option to acquire the Sealand generator (Vril technology) outright for 1’000 € (see Transfer of Ownership). This goes for all generators that had been supplied. If desired, a special financial accord may be reached for Club members who have had their generator for five years. Depending on the age of the generator the amount will be between 100 and 300 €. Please interner Link contact us by email if this is of interest for you.

The owner accepts full responsibility of the application of the possibilities offered by the Vril Technology and all other advantages the energy possesses. Since neither science nor politics officially accept the existence of the Vril Technology, any legal recourse is excluded. Not excluded would be deliberate intent to defraud and deception of any kind by the Sealand Trade Corporation as provider.
Legal venue is the European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg.

Transfer of Ownership of a Sealand Generator (Vril Technology)

Important Message from the Sealand Business Club
February 2016

Due to the statement by Dr Angela Merkel aimed at the fugitives made at the state party conference of the CDU in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania

“we expect that – when peace reigns again in Syria and when the IS in Iraq is vanquished – you return to your home country with the knowledge that you have received from us here”

the Government Commission Vrilia has decided – based on what is happening in the world at this time (waves of fugitives) – that as of now the Sealand Generators may be purchased by all interested parties of any nation for 1000 €.

After one year the user may extend this contract up to a maximum of three years by paying a further fee of 300 € per year.
Alternatively after the first year the user may buy the Generator outright for 1’000 € as his property.

For distribution partners there arise interesting financial perspectives.

Since June 2016 we also offer the option to acquire the Sealand generator (Vril technology) outright for 1’000 € (see Transfer of Ownership). This goes for all generators that had been supplied. If desired, a special financial accord may be reached for Club members who have had their generator for five years. Depending on the age of the generator the amount will be between 100 and 300 €. Please contact us by email if this is of interest for you.

The owner accepts full responsibility of the application of the possibilities offered by the Vril Technology and all other advantages the energy possesses. Since neither science nor politics officially accept the existence of the Vril Technology, any legal recourse is excluded. Not excluded would be deliberate intent to defraud and deception of any kind by the Sealand Trade Corporation as provider.
Legal venue is the European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg.

Enquiries are possible by telephone or email:

+49 152 069 729 01

+49 152 095 742 95

+41 79 433 92 73 


Urs Thoenen 

Johannes W. F. Seiger

President Sealand Business Club

Mitglied der Regierungskommission Vrilia

Greetings at the Turn of the Years 2015-2016

Our efforts announced in the last Greetings 2014-2015 have among other things brought the following results:

We had informed the Federal Chancellor Dr Merkel, the Prime Minister of Brandenburg, Dr Woidke, the Governing Mayor of Berlin Michael Müller, the Interior Minister De Maizière, the station rbb that we offer the asylum seekers practical access to the Vril technology through free testing. Not a single one of the persons thus contacted has availed themselves of the testing option offered at no cost, nor did anyone accept the invitation to a personal discussion. Vril energy can neither be destroyed not hindered.

The complete documentation is to be found as PDF on our website

The recent occurrences of civil unrest in Germany confirm our realisation that only the partial release of the Vril technology will offer a solution. As we had stated repeatedly only the unconditional capitulation of the USA and the community of faith ruling them may open the path to peace in the world. The lead management for these measures has been taken up by the Government Commission VRILIA, this can be checked and without alternative.

The increasing understanding by the world populace will further encourage us to follow our goals. This was confirmed by the decisions reached recently at the climate conference in Paris by most states of the world.

Please read these two documentations:

We wish all co-thinkers and combatants a healthy and successful New Year in the hope that it will also foster a change in the world’s politics.

Johannes W. F. Seiger 

Urs Thoenen

Member of the Government Commission Vrilia

Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information of thePrincipality of Sealand

Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel

Letter to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel concerning refugees and asylum claiming people

September 15, 2015

This Document as PDF

Minister Sigmar Gabriel

Angela Merkel
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
10557 Berlin                                                                                     

12th September 2015

Re: Our Past Correspondence

Dear Federal Chancellor,

with pleasure and satisfaction I noticed that you have unbureaucratically enabled the entry into Germany for several 10‘000 fugitives. According to your colleague Dietmar Gabriel a further batch of up to 500‘000 are to be expected.

As already announced we plan to release parts of the VRIL technology. This release signifies that we offer the fugitives and asylum seekers the opportunity to get to know the VRIL technology in Germany/Europe and to further research it in order to apply it later in their home countries for the benefit of everyone.

Dear Ms Federal Chancellor, to remind you again of the explosive nature of the VRIL technology and its application I should like to show you the following link:

I expect of you to give me an answer until the 15th October 2015 or to give me appropriate proposals of how to proceed jointly.  

I will forward a copy of this letter to all prime ministers of all federal states as well as the mayor of Berlin.

I remain respectfully yours

Johannes W. F. Seiger
at the behest of the Government Commission VRILIA

This Document as PDF
Betreff: Schreiben an die Bundeskanzlerin betreffend Asylanten und Flüchtlinge
Sehr geehrte Frau Ministerpräsidentin Kraft,
Sehr geehrte Frau Ministerpräsidentin Kramp-Karrenbauer,
Sehr geehrte Frau Ministerpräsidentin Dreyer,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Ramelow,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Woidke,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Albig,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Haseloff,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Tillich,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Weil,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Sellering,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Bouffier,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Seehofer,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Kretschmann,
Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident Sieling,
Sehr geehrter Erster Bürgermeister Scholz,
Sehr geehrter Herr Regierender Bürgermeister Müller,

ich bitte um Kenntnisnahme meines Schreibens an Frau Bundeskanzlerin Merkel
vom 12. September 2015 (im Anhang).

Mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung

Johannes W. F. Seiger
im Auftrag der Regierungskommission VRILIA
This Document as PDF

Dr. Dietmar Woidke
Prime Minister of the State Brandenburg

Press Release

interner Link Brandenburg Judiciary No. 10 – May 2015

interner Link Brandenburg Judiciary (Link Page)
Sealand Documentations ʻ Brandenburg Judiciary’single files:
No. 1; No. 2; No. 3, No. 4; No. 5; No. 6; No.7; No.8; No.9; No.10 

Coat of Arms of Brandenburg

Based on the behaviour of Dr Woidke we publish the official document ( attachment 3, report by the military police) that affirms that in the concentration camps so far investigated no people have been killed by poison gas: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald,  Dachau, Flossenbürg, Groß-Rosen, Mauthausen and satellite camps, Neuengamme, Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Natzweiler-Struthof, Theresienstadt. (This report is part of a documentation of the case of the lieutenant of the Austrian military police service, Emil Lachout, in which the non-existence of the alleged gas chambers in the KL Mauthausen was discussed before the court.)


The patriotic behaviour of Dr Woidke towards the German people
(documentation of 12th May 2015)

Sealand Trade Corporation, District Court Potsdam, file number 5-T-531/08
(documentation attachments 1–11)

Letter and announcement of the publication of the complete correspondence of 9th April 2015. (attachment complete documentation)

  • In its verdict the Supreme Court of Canada (Supreme Court of Canada) of  24th March 1994 in the case Regina von Finta (Holocaust denial), file nos 23027-23097, stated the following:
    “The implementation of the ‘final solution’ by the German government meant that Jews were deprived of all means, of earning an income, of their property, and eventually were deported to camps in eastern Europe, where they provided forced labor for the German war effort. In these dreadful camps many were put to death.”) from Galilei 2000, page 195. Galilei 2000, Seite 195.

    Among other things the documentation shows: German concentration camps including those in the east were working camps and not part of a system of genocide.

Government Commission Vrilia

Red Bull – Sealand Generator

Pride Comes Before a Fall

We had given the Red Bull Racing Team the guarantee for the racing season 2015 that if they use the Sealand generators to reach positions 1 to 3.

Dr Helmut Marko

Our email of the 17th February 2015 given below apparently has not been acknowledged by Dr Marko and in any case was not answered:

Send: Tueday, 17th February 2015 at 11:37
By: "Urs Thoenen" <>
Re: Red Bull Racing – Dr Marko

Dear Dr Marko,

Many thanks to Red Bull that in its internet documentation “Zehn geheimnisvolle Weltwunder” (Ten Mysterious Wonders of the World) the Principality of Sealand has been mentioned in the top place.

We use this as the opportunity to contact you again and to draw your attention to the exclusive use of the Sealand generators (Vril technology). We point to our correspondence with Bernie Ecclestone from the year 2013 (attached).

We offer you for the racing season 2015 the following with our guarantee:

For the Championship Title achieved due to the application of the Sealand generators Red Bull pays the Sealand Trade Corporation € 1’000’000, for place two € 500’000, for place three € 100’000.

In return you receive three Sealand generators of a special newest construction that do not correspond to the devices offered in the Sealand Business Club for one year for testing purposes against a deposit of € 10’000.

In case our offer is of interest to you, please contact us by phone or mail within the next 14 days.

Telephone: +41-79-433 92 73
Urs Thoenen
President of the Sealand Business Club

PS: In a second attachment we send you the results of tests done on the Go Kart track in Berlin. The results were in the first and second tests so promising that we were thereafter no longer allowed to do any further test runs.

Go Kart

This document and the attachments as PDF

Government Commission Vrilia

Addendum to “UFOs, the Truth online”

As supplement to our report of 31st January 2015 interner Link “UFOs, the Truth online” we would like to publish here some videos and photographs taken by ourselves.
The videos were 2004 recorded by Mr Seiger while driving with a team member in his car from Düsseldorf to Rheda-Wiedenbrück.

Please go on each of the YouTube frames to “Settings”, then to “Speed” and set this to 0.25
U.F.O.2004, Region Düsseldorf Part 1
U.F.O.2004, Region Düsseldorf Part 2
U.F.O.2004, Region Düsseldorf Part 3

The pictures Mr Seiger took on the 9th May 2012 in Großbeeren, OT Kleinbeeren, and are marked with place and date.

We were able to observe for around one hour a black helicopter without insignia in action above Kleinbeeren with several UFOs and take some photographs with a small camera at hand. On the pictures one can see the helicopter and the UFOs as bright spots. We could enjoy the aeronautical superiority of the flying discs over the black helicopter for some time. This activity had also been observed by many other residents of Großbeeren/Kleinbeeren.

Government Commission Vrilia

UFOs – The Truth online?

Our Comment to the Lying Press.

This Documentation as pdf

The Third World Power–
German Flying Disks and Submarines Monitor the Seas of the World

A blogger and UFO fan has made publicly accessible almost 130'000 images with non-identified flying objects. We look at them and ask ourselves: Can this really all be just imagination?

interner Link Press Release of December 7, 2004

Press Release by the Government Commission VRILIA

Due to the article Hitlers geheime UFO-Pläne (Hitlers Secret UFO Plans) in the daily BILD and concurrently under www.bild-t-online.deon December 6, 2004, the Government Commission VRILIA of the Principality of Sealand publishes without commenting on the BILD article some original images of flying disks that had been developed during the Third Reich Technical data will follow when available.



Haunebu II 1944

Haunebu III, diameter over 70 m, to the right a jet plane, half-right behind the hangar a Flying Wing

Several Haunebu III in test flight, accompanied from several Flying Wings

Haunebu II rising from water, 1944

Haunebu II next to a Zeppelin, 1944

Haunebu II, armed, 1945
Video ansehen Look here  (avi) - 23 MB
or here (mp4) 5 MB

For a better understanding of the overall situation of the Third World Power – among others the disengagement 1944/45, flying disks and submarines – we point to the following links (only in German):

Wladimir Schirinowski droht USA mit "Wetter und High-Tech-Waffen"

From this:

FLIEGENDE UNTERTASSEN / PHÄNOMENE: (Flying Disks / Phenomena, Visitors from Space of April 21, 1954)

DER SPIEGEL of April 21, 1954, page 26

There we read:

… The curve of apparitions in the Summer of 1952 reached its culmination in the night to the 21st July with a bizarre action over Washington. Around 00.40 a radar operator in the control room at the airport the saw on his screen a kind of “bubble” moving at an incredible speed. He informed the chief controller Harry Barnes. Excitedly they observed as suddenly everywhere on the screens these ominous bubbles (showing aircraft or flying objects) appeared. Some moved incredibly fast, others rather slowly.  

As Barnes saw on his screen how the flying objects flew over the White House and other exclusion zones, he excitedly called the control tower. There, too, a radar device had captured the eerie objects. Disquieted Barnes ordered interceptor planes from Delaware. Shortly before the jet planes finally arrived at 3 am (the delay was never sufficiently explained) the UFOs disappeared like phantoms. Five minutes after the interceptors veered off, they appeared again and swarmed all over Washington. Before they finally retreated around 5.30 am, they had been seen by several eyewitnesses.

“As the story became known,” says Keyhoe, “a wave of hysteria spread very quickly. Newspaper and radio commentators urged the calling of a press conference.”

On the morning of the 23rd July even high-placed airforce officers wanted to suggest to the Secret Service to hold a press conference to calm the public. The head of the Secret Service, Major General John A. Samford, opposed this. But when the craziest reports appeared in the newspapers, he had no choice but to agree.

It was a conference in the best Pentagon style. Samford deftly escaped from one question to the next. In a long discussion he excluded the supposition that these might have been remote-controlled projectiles and defined the saucers as “something” having unlimited power and no mass. “You know what no mass means,” he said. “There simply is nothing there.” Thus the conference resulted in calming headlines, like in the New York Times: “Airforce unveils saucers as natural phenomena”. …

January 2015

translated by PoS

signed: Johannes W. F. Seiger
Government Commission VRILIA

This Documentation as pdf

Government Commission Vrilia

Greetings at the Turn of the Year 2014/2015

This document as PDF

Our long-time efforts to end the status of occupation in Germany by a Peace Treaty and thus lad to the deletion of the Germany Reich still extant on the territory of the so-called GFR from the UNO enemy state list unfortunately must be seen as having failed.

In our correspondence with the Auswärtigen Amt (Department of Foreign Affairs) in November and December 2014 (Dr. Moschtaghi) we were told in writing that in the “Federal Republic of Germany” only diplomats are entitled to personal inviolacy. Thus it has again been established, as any informed person knows, that for any German citizen due to the right of control by the Allies (USA) the inviolacy of the person fails to be secured by international law.

The application of Vril technology will, as mentioned before, be used against the USA with increased force. Apparently the US want to instigate a decision by war. The economic war is well underway, especially through the present manipulation of the oil price. But the actual foe is hardly impressed by this. The decisive question of energy is answered in a completely new way. What this means becomes ever more evident. The pullout of EON from conventional energy supply is just the beginning.

As allies of the forces that aim at helping humanity to a breakthrough in the question of consciousness and thus also in the energy realm we will do what is within our powers to support the German people, but also all states who want to oppose the destructive ambitions of the tumbling world power USA in ending these no longer tenable further targeted applications of Vril technology to end this unacceptable state of affairs.

You may read about the developments in the year 2014 as far as we have been involved on

We wish all Germans, all Europeans and all peace-loving people of the world a healthy and successful New Year 2015.

December 2014

Johannes W. F. Seiger
Member of the Governmental Commission VRILIA

Urs Thonen
Secretary for Culture and Information

This document as PDF

Press Release Nov. 3th, 2014

New Models 2014: Even more energy density

The Cosmos is the Measure of All Things

According to Prof. Dr. Ing. Leuschner as Minister for Science and Technology in the Principality of Sealand of long standing an intact immune system is the prerequisite for the defence against viral infections (among others also Ebola).

The Concept of Energy Density in the Sealand Generator (Vril Technology)

The Sealand Generator (Vril Technology) contains neither magnets nor batteries nor any other moving mechani-cal parts. It latches on to the cosmic energy field and channels this energy for positive utilisation.
The starting point for the development of the Sealand Generators was the task to engineer a small device to strengthen the immune systems of biological beings. Over many years the research that had been conducted secretly in the former GDR was continued and developed following decisive impulses from documents concerning the technology of flying disks (Vril Technology) that have been handed to Mr Johannes W. F. Seiger. Since the positive influence on the immune systems is not readily discernible, testing the device in motor vehicles proved a perfect option since there the effects are immediately apparent. In internal combustion engines a marked and provable improvement of combustion of the particular fuel is achieved due to the Vril Energy, leading to a marked decrease in CO2 emission (as documented in tests by the German TÜV).
The energy density decides the strength of the influence on biological beings. A higher energy density thus achieves an extended sphere of influence. It is our aim to achieve higher energy densities in relatively small de-vices.
In the biological area the immune system of human beings is optimally set by the continuous supply of higher energy densities of the cosmic Vril Energy. The former Minister for Science and Technology of the Principality of Sealand, Prof. Dr. Ing. Leuschner, formed the notion that human beings themselves are the best pharmacy as long as the immune system is intact.
Autumn 2014 – Government Commission VRILIA
signed Johannes W. F. Seiger
Short Information about the Sealand-Generator as a Flyer
Application for the private use of the Sealand Generator as a member of the Sealand Business Club

Short Information about the Sealand-Generator as a Flyer

Information concerning the use of the Sealand Generator

This document as pdf

interner Link Application for the private use of the Sealand Generator as a member of the Sealand Business Club

  • Due to the actual great interest for the Sealand Generators we have raised the membership quota in the German-speaking area from 1'000 to 2'000.
    The test contract for one year has been cancelled, the membership in the Sealand Business Club has been extended in as much that after five years of membership the member may apply to acquire the Generator for €100 as property.

Application 2014

The concept of energy density in the Sealand Generator (Vril Technology)

Press Release Nov. 3th, 2014

New Model 2014 - 11: Even more energy density

Directions Concerning the Use of the Sealand Generator (Vril Technology) in Motor Vehicles and Living Quarters

The Sealand Cosmos Generator (Vril Technology) is partly based on the discoveries by Karl Schappeller (1875–1947). More than 30 years of nature studies, unencumbered by all academic science, and an unusual power of realisation allowed Schappeller to delve more deeply than perhaps any human before him into the essence der of matter and energy.

What the most modern nuclear physics and electrochemistry have only grasped as partial results, Schappeller in his time was already conversant with. In hundreds of experiments he checked his realisations made through his studies for the practicality and thus he found the basis for a whole new technology, the fundamental character of which is the realisation of the dynamic unity of the world.

Thus technology has been guided from mechanics to dynamics. This means, as will have to be pointed out, the most formidable and momentous revolution in all fields that humanity ever experienced …

What Schappeller brings to us is no more and no less than the Elemental Force (Urkraft), which is the mother force of all matter and energy at the same time.

What then is this elemental force? It is the force that “the world contains in its innermost heart and finer veins”!

Rudolf Steiner called this elemental force Vril or Gral. Everything that once existed in the world will return. The Vril force (of the Atlanteans) is based on something special. At this time mankind is only able to use the mineral forces of Nature, electricity is also mineral-based. Railroads were only possible because of stone coal.

What mankind has not yet understood to make use of is the herbal force. The force that in a cornfield makes the stalks grow, (see “corn circles”) is still (1906!) a latent force, and this man will finally subdue into serving him as he did with the force of stone coal.

A new world view must be shaped. Only people of high spirits may achieve this. But these people must be present before the elemental force may become effective.

They must

by their own thinking recognise
the essence of that very force
that later shall serve them.

To the spirit, the knowledge, the ethos honour be,
not to technology and matter!

This is the touchstone for the friends of Schappeller’s work. They want to be friends of a new spirit, not of new motors and machines.

Below are summarised the experiences of the Sealand developer team with the most recent Vril devices respectively Sealand Generators:

1.             For the employment of the energy in a motor vehicle the device should be placed inside the vehicle in the front area. It should be secured in a storage area or below the seat so it will now fly around when braking or in curves etc.

2.             It may take about ten minutes until the device reaches its full effectiveness.

3.             To begin with one should go easy on the use of the throttle, for the devices unfurl their effects already in the lower speed band.

4.             Please observe that the increased pleasure in driving might based on the higher torque overshadow the difference to driving without the Vril device.

5.             By observing changes one should pay attention to the sound of the engine, the driving noise, the suspension and breaks behaviour and the decrease of the drag resistance after disengaging the clutch.

6.             In the range from 50–60 km/h upwards in the latest devices a kind of “self-priming” effect may appear: It seems as if the vehicle is driving itself. With only a minimal pressure on the throttle speed can be maintained.  

7.             (A similar effect caused the developing team not to make available an even stronger model at this time.)

8.             With time this “self-priming” effect shows a noticeable reduction in fuel consumption.  This has provably been lowered by up to 40% and more.

9.             The passengers of the vehicle are also within this force field, which – as experience has shown – positively affects the immune system of human beings.

10.         Residential areas are similarly affected. A Vril device centrally placed with time fills all rooms. No negative side effects have ever been noticed. It is conceivable that the influence might for certain people be too much or to intensive, so the device should simply be placed at a greater distance until the organism has learned to accept the heightened energy influx. More does not mean better.

We now wish you much success with the devices of Vril Technology, the team of developers are convinced that the Sealand Generator will change the world.

Autumn 2014 – Government Commission VRILIA

Short Information about the Sealand-Generator as a Flyer

Information concerning the use of the Sealand Generator

This document as pdf

interner Link Application for the private use of the Sealand Generator as a member of the Sealand Business Club

  • Due to the actual great interest for the Sealand Generators we have raised the membership quota in the German-speaking area from 1'000 to 2'000.
    The test contract for one year has been cancelled, the membership in the Sealand Business Club has been extended in as much that after five years of membership the member may apply to acquire the Generator for €100 as property.

Application 2014

The concept of energy density in the Sealand Generator (Vril Technology)

Press Releae June 27, 2014

Amendments to the Chronology 1992

The presentation of the Bulawa, the symbol of might and dignity, by Lieutenant-General Golowkin to Johannes W. F. Seiger

Complete documentation as PDF file

Gen.-Lt. Golowkin to
J.W.F. Seiger


English Translation

A similar symbol of might and dignity appeared in the media covering the swearing-in of the new President of the Ukraine, Petro Poroschenko, on June 7, 2014, before the Parliament in Kiev ( The Bulawa is clearly visible in the picture auf

Documents concerning the friendly cooperation between the Principality of Sealand and the Soviet respectively Russian Army in the former GDR

Since 1990 there was an active interchange of ideas between the Government of the Principality of Sealand  and representatives of the command of the Soviet/Russian army in the former GDR …

Complete documentation as PDF file

Press Release

Sealand Generator

Vril Rod
Model 2014

Press Release om May 8th, 2014 - Documentation included

The German Reich never capitulated, only the three Wehrmacht sections did.

Dr. James D. Ryan, New York Times, Februar 7th, 1961:

«Once the truth concerning Flying disks becomes general knowledge – an one day it will – the effect upon those who hitherto declared it as nonsense will be truly shocking. This shock may be so great that it will topple the governments of this world and leave mayhem behind until new leaders will be found who are capable to lead the world with a totally new view of life.»

Government Centre Vrilia

May we exclude that the Boeing 777 MH370 (Malaysian Airline) is there? Is this sedition or the truth?

Signed: Johannes W. F. Seiger
Government Commission Vrilia


  1. Letter from Johannes W. F. Seiger to the Attorney General of Brandenburg, Prof. Dr. Erardo C. Rautenberg, concerning the whereabouts of the aircraft Boeing 777/MH 370 Malaysian Airlines and inquiry regarding the allegation of sedition against Sealand

    Correspondence with Günther Jauch concerning endangering air traffic through the application of non-authorised Sealand-Vril technology

    Correspondence with N24/Michael Friedman in the same matter

    Documentation: Diary of Admiral Byrd about the disaster of Operation High Jump 1947 against New Swabia (Neuschwabenland) and his experiences with Vril technology

    History of New Swabia and its relation to the German Reich

Download this complete documentation in one file

The Vril Stick Model 2014

Cosmic energy is at work, caused by The Sealand Generator (Vril Technology)

Sealand Letter 1/2014

100 Years of Fraudulent Historiography 1
Adolf Hitler 1938 in der “Time” Man of the Year
Friedensnobel-Preis für Adolf Hitler? Holocaust®Lobby in Bedrängnis wegen neuer Enthüllungen
Die "Bundesrepublik Deutschland" ist kein Staat, sondern eine eingetragene Handelsfirma!

German Parts can be read here: Sealand Letter 2014 01

100 Years of Fraudulent Historiography

At certain times we may and must remind ourselves – as now at the beginning of the commemorative year 2014 – that the purported victors of the ongoing world war still proffer their absurd lies as historical facts. They need that. But now and again – below the shameful coverlet of poor Historia that is going to shreds – at least some traces of her violation become discernable. So again in the case of Rudolf Hess.

The English marine historian Peter Padfield has again given proof in a new book that in 1941 Hess had flown to England carrying a concrete peace offer. We know that peace with Germany was not then – and still is not – in the interest of the British-Zionist club determining Anglo-American politics. There never was any hope for England remaining neutral, even less so for peace negotiations. To the Government of the German Reich the Anglo-American-Zionist trend towards the ultimate annihilation of Germany apparently was not yet perceived clearly enough. Hess at least refused to believe the language of facts without scrutiny. So Hitler had him fly to England. Following his failed mission, the goal of Anglo-Zionist secret societies to annihilate of Germany finally was for the Government of the German Reich beyond any doubt. The fight for a future humane civilisation was thus depending alone on the devotedness of the German people. Therefore history will have to be rewritten …

The Government of the Principality of Sealand as commissioned custodian of the Vril technology of the German Reich still unwaveringly maintains that a peace through negotiations is in principle still an option. Yet it is also open for the undesired proof to the contrary, the consequences of which have been repeatedly implied …

Urs Thoenen
President of the Sealand Business Club
January 2014

German Parts to be read here Sealand Letter 2014 01

Government Commission Vrilia

Greetings at the Turn of the Year 2013/2014

This document as PDF

The reactions so far to the demands made in our New Year’s Wishes 2012/2013 to end the Second World War and re-establish the sovereign German Reich with the long overdue Peace Treaty have shown the necessity for further releases of the der Vril technology as absolutely imperative.

The gang-style behaviour by the Minister-President Matthias Platzeck (SPD), the Minister of Justice Dr Volkmar Schöneburg (“Die Linke”) as well as by the Attorney General in Brandenburg Dr Erado Rautenberg has not unexpectedly led to the fact that Mr Platzeck had to resign from the post of Minister-President and has to forgo to stand for a candidacy for the 2014. The Minister of Justice Dr Schöneburg has – equally foreseeable – just a few days ago had to declare his demission, what in the media was seen as the greatest judiciary scandal in Brandenburg. The future of the Attorney General will be decided in 2014. Compare the complete documentation “Brandenburgische Justiz No. 8”,

Documents complete with all attachments, 32 MB:

A meeting with the present Minister-President Dr Dietmar Woidke to clear up the situation concerning the  Sealand GmbH & Co. KG, reference number AG 35IN71/99, was declined.

We have informed the airlines Lufthansa, Air Berlin, Swiss and Lauda Air that a further release of Vril technologies would demand a mandatory revision of all electronic systems used in aviation to assure the safety of air traffic.

Since the Federal Government under Dr Angela Merkel is not for the interests of the German Reich, the Government Commission Vrilia, represented by Johannes W. F. Seiger, feels compelled to take this step.

Further we will compel the UNO, in order to prepare for the Peace Treaties with the UNO States that until today are in a state of war with the German Reich, to delete first of all the intervention clauses (“Enemy State Clause”) in Art. 53 and 107 of the Charter.

To Art. 53 and 107 of the UN Charter: .

To the Enemy State List: .

You may read up on the developments in 2013 on .

We wish all citizens of the German Reich, all Europeans and all people in the world of good will a healthy and successful New Year 2014.

December 2013

This document as PDF

Short Information (Flyer)


Government Commission Vrilia

of October 5, 2013

following the Announcement Ecclestone in the year 2012

The Sealand Generator (VRIL Technology)

As may be seen in the flyer Ecclestone, we had contacted 2012 Mr Bernie Ecclestone in 2012 and told him the following:
Who masters and is able to use this technology decides the winners even before the start of the season and in the Formula 1 the world champion.

Further we had written to the Formula 1 Team Sauber, Ms Kaltenborn, as follows:

Sent: Thursday, 25th July 2013 10:15

To: Schrepfer Eveline

Re: Season 2013

Dear Ms Kaltenborn,

Referring to the less than satisfactory results of the Sauber Teams this year we take the liberty to offer you again our latest Sealand Generator (Vril Technology) without obligation and without any cost for testing.

We guarantee that when installed the Sauber Team will for the rest of the season not only show better results, but also achieve placements bringing points.

We would really regret it if your long-established company would decline this offer unchecked.

Awaiting your answer I remain with my best regards

Urs Thoenen
President Sealand Business Club

The report sheets:

Measurement 1, 22.5.2013, 14:19 – without Sealand Generator
Measurement 2, 22.5.2013, 14:26 – with Sealand Generator
Measurement 3, 22.5.2013, 14:36 – with a different Sealand Generator
By increasing the energy density with the Sealand Generator slight changes in the Newton metre range were registered.

New measurements on October 2, 2013 at the company KKS in Genshagen – the tests were made using the latest Sealand Generator (Cigar) in the same vehicle used in the first three tests, after the Generator had been in the vehicle only for seven or eight minutes. Here an increase in the Newton metres of about 20% was noted.

Urs Thoenen
President Sealand Business Club

VRIL Technology
Cosmic Force Field
(TÜV Rhineland, 1996)

Flyer with short informations.

2013: Equal Chances
in the

We have to thank Mr Bernie Ecclestone that official application of the VRIL Technology in the Formula 1 was approved, while politics world-wide has for years refused to apply this energy technology free of costs for the good of all humanity.

Juni 11, 2011

Principality of Sealand  
Urs Thoenen
Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information

When Nicola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, Karl Schappeller and others initiated a world-wide dawn in energy production,
scientists and engineers in Germany worked officially on research and application of the Vril energy leading among other avenues
to the construction of German flying discs.

Admiral Canaris and Colonel General Udet in particular had recognised the scope of the Vril technology and secured its continuation past the end of the war.

New pages or files (English)

interner Link Sealand FAQ: Why is Vril technology employed against the United States of America?

Press Release

Press Release of September 10, 2013

Deployment of VRIL Technology
against the United States of America

Bild-Zeitung verbatim:
You threaten the USA

Government Decision of 11-98

To Army Brig. Gen. Mark D. Scraba, Director of JICTC

Dear Mr Scraba,

we would request that you forward this email to the President of the United States of America, Mr Barack Obama.

Dear Mr President,

following the Resolution 11/98 by the Principality of Sealand that you will find attached, we inform you that due to the demonstrable interference with our complete communication (telephone, email, fax) we now – in order to safeguard the interests of the Principality of Sealand and the interests of all its staff members – will employ the Vril technology against the United States of America which inevitably will lead to a crash of the finance and energy markets.

We will proceed to make all states of the world aware of this information.

I remain respectfully yours

Urs Thoenen
Principality of Sealand
Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information

At the behest of the Prime Minister Johannes W. F. Seiger

Johannes W. F. Seiger
14979 Grossbeeren

pdf Government Decision 11/98 [Facsimilie]

BILD Correspondance

Re: Deployment of VRIL-Technology against the United States of America
Date: Friday, 30th August 2013-09-03

Dear Mr Löbner,

We refer to our telephone conversation with Mr Seiger of 19th August 2013, in which you confirmed a consultation in the following week concerning a meeting date.

Until today, this has not happened.

For clarification of your words “you threaten the USA” we would like to convey to you and BILD-Zeitung the following:

In contrast to other countries (North Korea for instance) we do not threaten; we implement what we already had announced to the USA in Government Resolution 11/98.

Our efforts to advance Vril research with the USA under several presidents for the good of humanity have repeatedly failed for the reasons known to you.

It would have been so easy had the BILD-Zeitung by your mediation convinced itself of the efficacy or non-efficacy of the VRIL technology (Sealand Generator).

The chance for the BILD-Zeitung to process the subjects German Reich, Vril technology, Principality of Sealand including Prime Minister Seiger and his staff or to defame with half-truths and falsehoods as is the norm with BILD has now been wasted.

We leave it up to you to publish the contents of this email. We in turn reserve the right to publish it on our websites.

Best regards

Urs Thoenen
Principality of Sealand
Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information
at the behest of Prime Minister Johannes W. F. Seiger

>>>>>> Our email to you of 15th August 2013:

Dear Mr Loebner,

The attached documents are for your information.

We offer the BILD-Zeitung exclusively the opportunity to convince itself directly of the efficacy of the Sealand Generators (Vril technology). Mr Seiger as member of the Government Commission Vrilia would be pleased to attend the long overdue appointment.

Best regards

Urs Thoenen
Principality of Sealand
Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information
at the behest of Prime Minister Johannes W. F. Seiger

Press Release

Press Release of June 23, 2013

Instant Termination of the Friendship and Consular Treaty between the Principality of Sealand and the German Reich
(Commissary Government/SHAEF Legislator USA)



On December 31, 1998, the representatives of the German Reich/SHAEF Legislator USA and of the Principality of Sealand signed the Friendship and Consular Treaty.
On March 9, 1999 the ratification certificates were exchanged.
Letter of Termination of the Friendship and Consular Treaty with the Commissary Government (SHAEF) of the German Reich:

Regierungsbeschluss 11/98

Termination of the Friendship and Consular Treaty
between the German Reich
the Principality of Sealand
of December 31, 1998, ratified on March 19, 1999

Based on experiences made over 14 years we are foreced to note that the SHAEF legislator USA responsible for this treaty was from the outset and still is not interested to instigate through negotiations a peace treaty with the German Reich – long overdue for all of Europe – to end the Second World War, including the revocation of the interner Link Enemy State Clause (Art. 53 and 107 of the UN Charta) as well as the cancellation of the List of Enemy States. We will now proceed to implement the Government of the Principality of Sealand Resolution 11/98 to safeguard the interests of the German Reich as well as those of the Principality of Sealand.
We regret this development, but – based on recent events – we see no further options for any negotiations.

(Johannes W. F. Seiger)
Prime Minister of the Principality of Sealand
Given in Berlin on May 8, 2013

interner Link Friendship and Consular Treaty with the Commissary Government of the German Reich of December 31, 1998/SHAEF Legislator USA - English translation
interner Link All related documents in German and English here
Letter of Termination
pdf Government Decision 11/98 [Facsimilie]

Johannes W. F. Seiger
14979 Grossbeeren

In order to assert the interests of the German Reich parts of the Vril technology will now be released to states.


Martin Schulz, SPD

To be found everywhere in state authorities:
Gang-style behaviour of the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz (SPD) showing culpable disrespect for the interests of the German people and the people of Europe.

Correspondence with the Office Schulz (German only):

Contact letter

Bernie Ecclestone (Formula 1)

In contrast to the political level and in defiance of the SHAEF Legislator USA the Briton Mr Bernie Ecclestone had conferred to the Formula 1 teams the right to test the Æ Vril technology of the German Reich. Vril-Technology des Deutschen Reiches für die Formel 1-Teams freigegeben.

Korrespondenz mit Bernie Ecclestone
01 PoS to Ecclestone (engl.)
02 Answer from Ecclestone (engl.)
03 PoS to Ecclestone (engl.)
04 Ecclestone to PoS (engl.)
All documents in one pdf file (dt.-engl.)

All Formula 1 teams were contacted with the following letter:

Letter to Ferrari (engl)
Ferrari answer to PoS (engl.)
Whole correspondence

Flyer Sealand Generator


Press Release

Press Release of March 5, 2013
Brandenburg No. 9 / Berlin No. 1

Criminal Complaints based on the gang-style conduct of Government and Judiciary in Brandenburg and Berlin
to the

Joint Interagency Counter-Trafficking Center

Army Brig. Gen.
Mark D. Scraba

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:41 AM
Cc: ; ;
Subject: Platzeck – Brandenburg Judiciary

Care of: Army Brig. Gen. Mark D. Scraba

Dear Mr Scraba,

Based on the Friendship and Consular Treaty with the Commissary Government of the German Reich, approved by the then President Bill Clinton, ( ) we request an examination of the unlawful activities against the Principality of Sealand and against its Prime Minister Johannes W. F. Seiger and his staff.

More information you will find on our website under Brandenburg Judiciary 1-8 as well as in our last email to the head of the State Chancellery, State Secretary Gerber (attached).

Please confirm the receipt of this email. We would also request a first progress report until the end of March 2013.

Yours respectfully

Urs Thoenen
Principality of Sealand
Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information
On behalf of Prime Ministers Johannes W. F. Seiger


  1. Schreiben der PoS an MP Platzeck
  2. Schreiben PoS an Staatssekretär Dr. Gerber wg. Implosionsenergie
  3. Mailwechsel mit B. Ecclestone (F1)
  4. Typenblatt Sealand-Generator für Formel 1

Ministerpräsident Matthias Platzeck
Prime Minister of
Matthias Platzeck (SPD)
Dr. Volkmar Schöneburg
Minister of Justice
in Brandenburg,
Dr. Volkmar Schöneburg

Gang-style conduct of the Brandenburg Government through Prime Minster Matthias Platzeck, the Minister of Justice Dr. Volkmar Schöneburg and the Attorney General of Brandenburg Dr. Erardo Rautenberg

Files and data storage media in the insolvency proceedings against the Sealand Trade Gmbh-CoKG had according to the Potsdam Prosecution Office been destroyed.
Letter by Chief Prosecutor Roscheck. Letter by Chief Prosecutor Roscheck.  

All proceedings against ministers, prosecutors, judges and law officers had been abated by Prosecutor General Dr Erardo Rautenberg.

In February 2013 we then handed the matter to the highest police authority JICTC in Stuttgart . interner Link 

Prosecutor General
in Brandenburg,
Dr. Erardo Rautenberg

Governing Mayor
of Berlin,
Dr. Klaus Wowereit

Minister of Justice
and Consumer Protection
in Berlin,
Thomas Heilmann

The Gang-style conduct of the Berlin Senate through Klaus Wowereit, the Senator of Justice Thomas Heilmann and the Attorney General of Berlin Ralf Rother

From: []
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 11:40
To: ''
Re: Berlin Senate – Wowereit

Care of: Army Brig. Gen. Mark D. Scraba

Dear Mr Scraba,

Based on the Friendship and Consular Treaty with the Commissary Government of the German Reich, approved by the then President Bill Clinton, ( ) we request an examination of the unlawful activities of the Berlin Senate under Mayor Wowereit as well as the Senator of Justice and the Prosecutor General against the Principality of Sealand and against its Prime Minister Johannes W. F. Seiger and his staff.

More information you will find in the attached files to the head of the Berlin Senate Office, Mr Böhning, and the Senate Administration for Justice and Consumer Protection, Ms Löbner.

Please confirm the receipt of this email. We would also request a first progress report until the end of March 2013.

Yours respectfully

Urs Thoenen
Principality of Sealand
Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information
On behalf of Prime Ministers Johannes W. F. Seiger


  1. Schreiben der PoS an Senatskanzlei (13.2.2013)
  2. Schreiben der Justizverwaltung Berlin an PoS (22.10.2012)
  3. Schreiben der PoS an Justizverwaltung Berlin (12.11.2012)
  4. Schreiben der Justizverwaltung Berlin an PoS (15.11.2012)
  5. Schreiben der Justizverwaltung Berlin an PoS (16.01.2013)
  6. Schreiben der Sealand GmbH an Reg. Bgm. Berlin, Klaus Wowereit (1.06.2012)
  7. Schreiben des Generalstaatsanwalts Berlin (verantw.: Ralf Rother) an Johannes Seiger

These two demands for penalty had been neither dealt with nor decided.
Confirmation of receipt at the Prosecutor’s Office Berlin

Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin vom 19.10.2010

The demands for penalty:

Sealand Trade vom 18. Oktober 2010
Johannes Seiger vom 18. Oktober 2010

Two letters from the Berlin and Brandenburg authorities:

Generalstaatsanwaltschaft des Landes Brandenburg vom 16. 2. 2011
Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Berlin vom 1. Dezember 2011

Prosecutor General
Ralf Rother

Press Release

Press Release of December 21, 2012

This Document as pdf


Prime Minister

Greetings at the Turn of the Year 2012/2013

Based on the Friendship and Consular Treaty with the Commissary Government oft the German Reich – approved by the SHAEF legislator USA, represented by the then President Bill Clinton – (see the complete PDF documentation under interner Link

the Government Commission Vrilia feels compelled to release further technologies using Vril energy, in order to bring about through strategic means the ending of the Second World War by means of the Peace Treaty – according to international law long overdue – between the German Reich and the Allied Powers (“Siegermächte”) of the Second World War for the good of all humanity.

At this time there exists only an armistice (see interner Link Enemy States Clause in articles 53 and 107 in the United Nations Charter), this means that both sides may take up combat operations again. As long as a war is not terminated through a peace treaty, no country has the right to claim to be a victorious power.

The present situation in Germany, Europe and the whole world – unrest, social impoverishment by the lowering of the poverty level – is the result of the compliancy of politics towards high finance.

Despite all difficulties we wish all of you a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

December 21, 2012

Johannes W. F. Seiger

Urs Thoenen

Hans-Jürgen Sauerbrey

Chairman of the Privy Council  and Prime Minister

Minister for CulturalAffairs and Information 

Head of the Diplomatic Mission in the German Reich

Press Releases


Mr Bernie Ecclestone
Formula 1 Management

Press Release of Dezember 14, 2012

The Sealand-Generator
(the VRIL Technology)
and the Formula 1

This Press Release "Ecclestone" with all attachements as pdf (English)

The Sealand Generator
(VRIL Technology)
and the Formula 1

As you may gather from the correspondence between Mr Bernie Ecclestone and the Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information of the Principality of Sealand, Urs Thoenen (see attachments to this press release), we have informed Mr Bernie Ecclestone that the targeted application of the VRlL technology the new Formula 1 world champion may be determined before the season starts. Following the request of Mr Ecclestone we will in order to maintain equal chances in the Formula 1 give the active teams access to the Sealand-Generator (interner Link Vril-Technology).

HitlerMr Winfried Kretschmann
Prime Minister
of Baden-Württemberg

VRIL-Technology and the Energy Reversal

This Press Release "Kretschmann" with all Attachements as pdf (German only)

We further informed the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg and current President of the German Bundesrat, Mr Winfried Kretschmann, that the Sealand-Generator (interner Link Vril-Technology) will contribute to the solution of many of the actual problems. Apparently our request to Mr Kretschmann can at this time due to the present legal situation in the Federal Republic of Germany (interner LinkSHAEF Legislator USA) not be implemented. Or does Mr Kretschmann lack the necessary courage?

For the Government Commission Vrilia

signed Johannes W. F. Seiger

Continuative Links:

interner Link Sealand and the Vril technology
The Vril Cult (German)

interner Link SHAEF Legislator USA
Broadcast Frontal 21 (ZDF) dealing with the sovereignty of the FRG on YouTube (German)

From the fact that it is the last segment in the 43-minutes broadcast one may discern the relevance of the presentation concerning foreign rule, yet the makers did not mention it.

Press Releases

Traian Basescu
Staatspräsident Rumänen

Dimitri Medwedjew
Ministerpräsident Russland

Principality of Sealand

Press Release PM-2012-09 of September 23, 2012

An Historic Moment

Romania: President of State Promises the Saxons of Transylvania Reparation

President of State Traian Basescu has through the chief of the Präsidialamtes and former  Foreign Secretary Cristian Diaconescu in a written message to their ‘Heimattag’ on June 18, 2012, in Dinkelsbühl deplored the emigration of the Germans from Romania as a great loss for his country. He argued for a redress of the misery caused them by this. At the same time he announced to hand back what was disappropriated under the communist government. He invited the Transylvanians to return to their homeland and suggested to them to hold their yearly meetings already in Transylvania.

Siebenbürger Zeitung

Following the announcement by Prime Minister Johannes W. F. Seiger the first encouraging results appear:

In the interner Link press release of June 2012 Prime Minister had stated on behalf of the government commission ‘Vrilia’ of the Principality of Sealand concerning the release of the Vril Technology:

“Since the relations between the government of the Principality of Sealand and the Federal Republic of Germany (here especially the interner Link  unlawful behaviour of the Brandenburg judiciary) continued to decline, we will now proceed as announced with passing on parts of the interner Link Vril technology first to the poorest of the poor countries that urgently require a free energy source at no charge at their autonomous disposal.”

In Romania, too, this was read with attention, interner Link as our daily web statistics show.

The Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medwedew also reacted to the new situation and said on August 2, 2012, during  government session:

“One simply must consider that every 50 to 70 years an energy revolution occurs in the world, and it is still unknown where we will stand with our energy sources in this time and whether we will then be of interest for someone. One must work at this.”


Next to avowing that Russia anticipates a fundamental energy revolution in which it might not even play a part, it is of  interest that this report was disseminated in many languages by the quasi-official internet press agency RIA Novosti.

“Among the clients of RIA Novosti are the  die presidential administration and the government of Russia, the Council of the Federation and the Duma, the leading ministries and other central agencies, the administrations of the Federation subjects, representatives of Russian and foreign business interests, diplomatic missions and social organisations.”

On September 17, 2012, the Prime Minister of Sealand, Johannes W. F. Seiger, wrote a letter to President Traian Basescu (forwarded via their Swiss Embassy), in which he offered to Romania the free use of the Vril technology the Principality of Sealand is providing.

“The undersigned would be pleased to discuss these subjects with you in order to fathom how these energies could successfully be made available for the Romanian people.”
See attachment:  Letters as pdf (in German)

In this context the Vril technology could bring peace and prosperity to Europe and the whole world. It may, however, also be utilised for resuming the actions of the German Reich aimed at putting an end to the Second World War (peace treaty).


Johannes W. F. Seiger
Member of the Government Commission ‘Vrilia’

The Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medwedew also reacted to the new situation and said on August 2, 2012, during  government session:

“One simply must consider that every 50 to 70 years an energy revolution occurs in the world, and it is still unknown where we will stand with our energy sources in this time and whether we will then be of interest for someone. One must work at this.”


Next to avowing that Russia anticipates a fundamental energy revolution in which it might not even play a part, it is of  interest that this report was disseminated in many languages by the quasi-official internet press agency RIA Novosti.

“Among the clients of RIA Novosti are the  die presidential administration and the government of Russia, the Council of the Federation and the Duma, the leading ministries and other central agencies, the administrations of the Federation subjects, representatives of Russian and foreign business interests, diplomatic missions and social organisations.”

On September 17, 2012, the Prime Minister of Sealand, Johannes W. F. Seiger, wrote a letter to President Traian Basescu (forwarded via their Swiss Embassy), in which he offered to Romania the free use of the Vril technology the Principality of Sealand is providing.

“The undersigned would be pleased to discuss these subjects with you in order to fathom how these energies could successfully be made available for the Romanian people.”
See attachment:  Letters as pdf (in German)

In this context the Vril technology could bring peace and prosperity to Europe and the whole world. It may, however, also be utilised for resuming the actions of the German Reich aimed at putting an end to the Second World War (peace treaty).


Johannes W. F. Seiger
Member of the Government Commission ‘Vrilia’

Complete documentation of this press release

Press Release

Sealand Generator



Press Release June 2012

Who Really Started the Second World War?

The documentation linked below proves the serious endeavors for peace by the Government of the Reich under Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler, all of which had been blocked by among others Winston Churchill at the behest of the Jewish World Congress.
(here as pdf)

Since the relations between the Government of the Principality of Sealand and the Federal Republic of Germany (here especially the interner Link unlawful conduct of the Brandenburg judiciary) have further deteriorated, we will now, as previously announced, offer part of the interner Link Vril technology in a first step to the poorest of the poor countries that are in urgent need of a source of free energy without charge that they can dispose of autonomously.

Here it is important to mention that all actions of the respective current Federal Governments since the end of the War are exclusively governed by the interner Link SHAEF laws of the Allies.

The countries on the UN list of enemy states (see interner Link UN Charter Articles 53 and 107) are all both formally and factually still in a state of war with the German Reich. Should by the end of this year none of the above countries be prepared to end this situation, we will, for the benefit of the inhabitants of those countries, offer them, too, access to the free cosmic energy. The consequences of such a release should be abundantly clear to those responsible.

This announcement is final and for the Government Commission Vrilia binding.

By order of the Government Commission Vrilia
signed Johannes W. F. Seiger

Press Releases

Danish Prime Minister Ms Helle Thorning-Schmidt

Ambassador Per Poulsen-Hansen

Principality of Sealand

Press Release PM-2012-04 of April 13, 2012

We would like to thank the current President of the Council of the European Union, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, as well as the Danish Ambassador in Berlin, His Excellency Per Poulsen-Hansen, that they did not raise any objections against our publishing the documentation below we had previously sent to them.

signed Johannes W. F. Seiger
Prime Minister

PDF Downloads:

  1. Letter to the Danish Embassy of March 19, including the return receipt (pages 1-4)
  2. Documentation requesting the resignation to Platzeck (pages 12–15)
  3. Email to Westerwelle including our reply to the allegation of Holocaust denial (pages 16–18, parts in German only)
  4. Medicinal application of VRIL energy (pages 21–35, German only)
  5. Documentation 2012 complete, pages 1–35 (Denmark, Platzeck, Westerwelle, medicinal application of  VRIL energy and more, some parts in German only, 12 MB)

Press Releases

Principality of Sealand

Press Release PM-2011-12 of December 23, 2011

Season's Greetings 2011-2012

pdf Text of the Press Release

Unfortunately our expectations regarding a peace treaty have so far not been fulfilled.

None of the FRG politicians of any political orientation would dare openly to
touch on that subject, not even in passing. We ourselves were forced to find that the
attitude towards us by the FRG, especially the Brandenburg Judiciary, has deteriorated.

In October a valued associate of our government suddenly died ( according to his widow, third-party implication is not excluded). Even this December, two unlawful arrest warrants were served an the undersigned. Based on the whole situation we decided to activate the
Resolution 11/98
with all its consequences.

On December 19, 2011, our Minister for Culture and Information, Urs Thoenen, has informed the incumbent Foreign Minister of the FRG, Dr Guido Westerwelle, asking him to in turn inform the Allies. As a result the enforcement was annulled an December 20, 2011, with a handwritten note an the arrest protocol by a judicial officer of the FRG after Prime Minister Seiger presented his diplomatic Sealand passport.

We now expect that all the breaches of law perpetrated against us in the past will be finally dealt with and the subject of the Peace Treaty to end the Second World War will at lang last be tackled.

The government of the PRINCIPALITY OF SEALAND wishes you in the name of the whole SEALAND team
quiet holidays and a successful energy-rich New Year 2012.

Johannes W F. Seiger
Prime Minister

Sealand Business Club Letter 24

Bundeskanzler Dr. Konrad Adenauer
Dr. Konrad Adenauer
Zeichen der Waffen-SS

Dresden 14.2.1945

Sealand Letter 24 November 2011



October 13, 2011

Principality of Sealand
Urs Thoenen
President of the Sealand Business Club

November 2, 2011

Principality of Sealand
Urs Thoenen
President of the interner Link Sealand Business Club

Sealand Business Club Letter 23

Das Emblem der finnischen Luftwaffe

Official: The swastika as emblem of the Finnish airforce.
Proud march under the banner of Good! [German]

Sealand Letter August 2011

    • Swastika Is Insignia of the Finnish airforce
      Power Jews Suffer Heart Attacks
    • The Swastika: Its History, Provenance and Meaning
    • Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) about the Swastika

August 21, 2011

Principality of Sealand
Urs Thoenen
President of the interner Link Sealand Business Club

Press Release July 20, 2011


The Third World Power
USSR Ambassador Valentin Falin

The former ambassador of the USSR, Valentin Falin, confirmed 1990 during the 4 + 2 talks on German Television the existence of the real German Reich (Deutsches Reich).

To quote: “The Soviet Union could no longer withstand the enormous pressure by the German Reich and had to capitulate in 1989.”

Please read the commented excerpts from daily newspapers about the very disquieting occurrences with unknown flying objects and submarines during the 80s and the 90s. This caused quite a sensation at the time. The statement by Valentin Falin that we had confirmed by eyewitnesses known to us thus gains extra weight.

1. Otto Bergmann: Der Weltbolschewismus in der militär-technologischen Pechsträhne oder auf dem Weg in die militärische Niederlage?
(World Bolshevism in a military-technological streak of bad luck or on the way to military defeat?)

UFO shoots down 5 MIGs Haunebu II, rising from the water,

2. Otto Bergmann: Deutsche Flugscheiben und U-Boote überwachen die Weltmeere (German Flying Disks and submarines monitor the Seven Seas)
Vol. 1 Vol. 2

Video Documents: See interner Link Media

Press Releases

Short Information (Flyer)

Press Release June 16, 2011

The Sealand Generator

Flyer with short informations.

For printing and spreading.

When Nicola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, Karl Schappeller and others initiated a world-wide dawn in energy production,
scientists and engineers in Germany worked officially on research and application of the Vril energy leading among other avenues
to the construction of German flying discs.

Admiral Canaris and Colonel General Udet in particular had recognised the scope of the Vril technology and secured its continuation past the end of the war...

interner Link Read more ...

Juni 11, 2011

Principality of Sealand  
Urs Thoenen
Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information


Press Release from March 19, 2011
Brandenburg Justice [8]

The Stasi (State Security of the GDR) – a Crime Syndicate!

Is it still active today within the Brandenburg Judiciary?

Ministerpräsident Matthias Platzeck
Matthias Platzeck
Prime Minister in Brandenburg

Following a multitude of breaches and perversions of law by the Brandenburg judiciary against the diplomats, institutions and companies connected with the Principality of Sealand (see our documentation Brandenburgische Justiz Nr. 8, complete, 32 MB) – the Prime Minister of the Principality of Sealand had on February 11, 2011, officially handed to the present Minister of Justice of the State of Brandenburg a comprehensive documentation in which the de jure- and de facto recognition of the Principality of Sealand by the Federal Republic of Germany as well by other states (like through legally valid agreements) is documented in detail.

Dr. Volkmar Schöneburg

Minister of Justice
Dr. Volkmar Schöneburg
(‘Die Linke’)

Attorney Dr. Volker Schöneburg, presently Minister of Justice in Brandenburg, member of the SED successor party ‘PDS-Die Linke’ has up to today (March 9, 2011) not reacted to the above. Instead the Brandenburg judiciary has been instructed to continue its illicit actions against the Principality of Sealand.

At this time there were and are charges by the Public Prosecution Office in Brandenburg pending against the Prime Minister of Sealand, Johannes W. F. Seiger citing ‘title misuse’. In both these actions the prosecution alleged that only the English Queen may bestow the title of ‘Prime Minister’! (see Anklageschriften 2010-2011)

The background are the criminal machinations – often documented by us – by Stasi insider parties who acted and are still acting within the judiciary of the State of Brandenburg and who enriched themselves by perversions of law by plundering the company Sealand GmbH & Co KG. (See our Dokumentation 1-7, single documents see below)

Soon our next documentation ‘Brandenburgische Justiz Nr. 9’ will provide detailed information concerning the actions by the Attorney General of Brandenburg, Dr. Erardo Rautenberg.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Principality of Sealand  
Urs Thoenen
Minister for Cultural Affairs and Information

This document In English as PDF.
Idem for all the attachments (Brandenburgische Justiz Nr. 8)In German as PDF.
( In German)

Other Documents:

Press Releases

Press Release from December 20, 2010
Seasonal Message 2010–2011

The Government of the PRINCIPALITY OF SEALAND has maintained for some years that
on January 1, 2011
it would begin with the release of the VRIL technology.

The pretended allied powers of the Second World War, headed by the SHAEF legislator USA, must at long last end the continuing world war by the UN states (see pdf List of Enemy States as well as UN Charter Article 53 and 107 ) against Germany with a Peace Treaty and concede Germany its full sovereignty.

Without a clear gesture in this direction the provision of the fundamentals and the activation procedures of the VRIL technology for all civil, state or military interested parties with all serious consequences for the general political situation arising therefrom will be unavoidable.

(and the complete SEALAND team)
wish you a quiet Festive Season
and a successful and energy-laden
New Year 2011.

Johannes W.F. Seiger
Prime Minister

The original document as pdf as Pdf file


Press Release from December, 2010
Brandenburg Justice [7]

Re-entry in the register of companies of the officially deleted company Sealand GmbH & Co KG

Who put the political leadership in Brandenburg under Matthias Platzeck and its criminal judiciary in their place?

Ministerpräsident Matthias Platzeck

Prof. Dr. Kurt Schelter

Barbara Richstein

Beate Blechinger

Dr. Volkmar Schöneburg

Matthias Platzek and his Ministers of Justice:

Kurt Schelter (CDU)
until 08/02

Barbara Richstein (CDU)
until 10/04

Beate Blechinger (CDU)
until 10/09

Volkmar Schöneburg
(PDS/Die Linke) since 11/09

‹Insider groups› within and without the Brandenburg authorities are co-operating in trying to ruin Sealand economically ...

We will bring all those involved in this process to justice firstly for disregarding the diplomatic immunity of the Prime Minister of the PRINCIPALITY OF SEALAND (Article 40, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations) as secondly indict all involved public officers for perversion of justice and hold them responsible.

In the meantime our claims for compensation against the State of Brandenburg and the liquidator have reached a sum in the two-digit million Euro area.

Documents in the press release folder

RiAG Dr. Thorsten GraeberLetter by the Prime Minister of the Principality of Sealand pdf to Ms Merkel of 20.9.2006
and: Letter to the pdf'Central Council of Jews in Germany'
A presumably forged signature by Judge Dr. Thorsten Graeber (photo at left, see also here) under pdf Insolvenzbeschluss vom 30.12.1999
pdf Strafanzeige against the two attorneys appointed as liquidators, H. Albers und U. Berlitz, for breach of trust, fraud, forgery of documents and false affirmation in lieu of oath to the Department of Public Prosecution in Berlin
And much more ...

The complete text of the press release as
interner Link Text html
pdf as Pdf-Datei
pdf as Pdf file with all Documents [Press Folder, 5 MB]


Test Report Sealand Generator September 2010

Engineer Dr. Heuser as a member of the Sealand Business Clubs has written a test report outlining his experiences when using the newer models of the Sealand Generator. We recommend it to all interested parties as well as to those critically inclined.

Prerequisite to you being able to test our Cosmic Energy Generators is the membership in the Sealand Business Club. Your contributions enable further research and development concerning the civil use of the VRIL power. For a monthly sum of around 33 Euro you will get the use of two Sealand Generators of the latest generation for five years.

See also:

Vril Energy for the Twenty-first Century

Hotstuff / Documentations / Legal Issues with FRG

Statement by the Government of the Principality of Sealand Concerning the Diplomatic Relations with the Federal Republic of Germany

Why does the Federal Republic of Germany since 1990 – disregarding the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations – deny its diplomatic contacts with the Principality of Sealand ?

[ This File and all mentioned documents here]

Compare the letter by the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany
 to the Foreign Office of the Principality of Sealand of October 18, 1976:
The Foreign Office confirms with thanks …"

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961 was joined by practically all states of this Earth, for instance the USA, England, Israel, and effective of August 13, 1964, also the Federal Republic of Germany. It is an international law that has been incorporated into the German law and it does not allow any arbitrary interpretations or modifications.

In Article 40 the ‘Vienna Con-vention’ regulates the diplo-matic relations also between states that have not or not yet recognised each other diplo-matically. It is valid with equal rights and obligations first and foremost for diplomats with their staff who are in transit or are in the host country for other reasons. This is expressed by the visa in the diplomatic passports.

Passports of diplomats of the Principality of Sealand do contain endorsements and diplomatic visa from more than 50 states. The first two passports of Prime Minister Seiger in particular do show such entries of these states, as e. g. Egypt, FRG, Bulgaria, German Reich, GDR, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Latvia, Lithuania, Malawi, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Sao Tomé, Senegal, Slovenia, Syria, Sultanate Oman, Turkey, Tunisia, Hungary, Vietnam. ...

With our letter to the Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle of May 4, 2010, (receipt stamp from the Foreign Office of May 11, 2010, plus attachments) we have once more pointed out the first diplomatic contacts by the Federal Republic of germany to the Principality of Sealand dating back over 30 years.

This statement

Read more ...


Complement for Press Release by the Governmental Commission VRILIA. December 7, 2004. Artcile Hitler’s secret UFO plans, published on December 6, 2004, in the daily newspaper BILD.

Haunebu II, armored, 1945
See the video!

The Vril device: demonstrated functions [Video, 14 MB]:

Shaef | Press releases

Why did the SHAEF legislator USA under President Clinton ratify on January 30, 1999, the Friendship and Consular Treaty between the Commissary Government of the German Reich established by the SHAEF legislator and the Principality of Sealand?

For a better understanding and as an addendum to the ‹Friendship and Consular Treaty between the Commissary Government of the German Reich and the Principality of Sealand› further documents from the correspondence between the  SHAEF legislator USA and the Commissary Government of the German Reich are published. Both letters date from the time after the so-called reunification.

  1. Copy of the letter dated December 31, 1998, from the Commissary Government of the German Reich to the SHAEF legislator, the former President of the USA, Bill Clinton, with the US reference number APO NY 09082, including the receipt of posting and the advice of receipt from the White House, Washington DC, USA of January 4, 1999: Request for Ratification of the ‹Friendship and Consular Treaty between the Commissary Government of the German Reich and the Principality of Sealand›.
  2. Copy of a letter including of the envelope by the EUCOM (United States European Command Headquarter – Public Affairs section) dated June 4, 2003, to the German Reich / Commissary Government / Reich Chancellor / Mr. Ebel with the note that the letter had been passed on to the US Embassy in Berlin due to their competence regarding the political issues mentioned.  

In the draft for a Peace Treaty then composed, a reunification of the two German states under the roof of the German Reich had been envisaged.

Download of the documents mentioned under: [pdf copies]

Please take note.

Vril, Chronology and Press Releases
Under the care of the Government of the Principality of Sealand and under the responsibility and guidance of its Prime Minister, Johannes W. F. Seiger, certain sections of the VRIL technology programme – entrusted to the Principality of Sealand by the German Empire – were continuously developed to reach maturity for civil applications. The following documentation gives an insight into the present and sanctioned status of their application possibilities. At the same time, of course the political aspect of our efforts shall not remain unmentioned. ...

Biological effects of the Sealand Staff revealed by Kirlian photographies ...

'The state of Vril technique development reached allows us now to make the VRIL technology available to an extended circle of users. ...'
Report by the Government Commission Vrilia about the developments released for the civil sector in 2009

[Status: November 2009]

Yet to make the energy flow still visible somehow, a so-called Pulsoximeter may be used ...

Interesting facts and considerations on "Vril" can be found here and pdf here (17 MB) (in German).
Chronology and Press Releases

The Criminal Acts
by the Brandenburg Judiciary
Bound by Directives


«V. To the acting person J. W. F. Seiger we will point out the following for the present and future proceedings:

The Court is cognisant of the legal conception there concerning the situation in Germany. Especially is known the participation in the on-going negation of the existence and legality of the constituted state and legal order in the joining area and in the existent federal area including the intimidation attempts resulting therefrom. This happens under continuing use of the term “Principality of Sealand” including all resulting modifications, deductions etc.

Any remittance of documents to this Court by using the term “Principality of Sealand” including all deductions, modifications, references etc. will in future be regarded as disrespect and insult of the Court; these documents will be treated accordingly, if applicable be handed back to you for rescission of the disrespect/insult.»

Sealand Trade Corporation –
State-owned company of the Principality of Sealand

The Sealand Trade Corporation is recognised by the attribution of the following BRD registration numbers:

USt-Id.: DE 164906133 by the Bundesamt für Finanzen,
then the Turnover Tax Number Nr. 347/5894/0229 by the Finanzamt Rheda/Wiedenbrück
and the Customs Number [ZNR]: 3723143 by the Hauptzollamt Bielefeld.

1.) Bundesamt für Finanzen
USt-ID Nr. interner Link DE164906133
2.) Das Blatt mit der geänderten
UStNr. interner Link 347/5894/0229
3.) Das Blatt vom Rechenzentrum der Bundesfinanzverwaltung
(Zollnummer: interner Link 3723143)

4.) Finanzgericht Münster,
15. Senat
AZ.: 15 V 4641/94 U
vom 7.12.95

5.) Landgericht Detmold
GS. Nr.: 6 O 110/97
vom 18.2.98
6.) Der Finanzminister
des Landes NRW
AZ.: S 1300 - Pü 18 - V B 2
vom 15.3.76

7.) Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft - Außenstelle Berlin
vom 5.10.93
GZ.: AG WGS - 10 11 01
8.) Finanzkasse Nauen
Steuer Nr.: 051/803/52858
vom 31.3.03

Rückzahlung Grunderwerbssteuer


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